EME-165 Lecture 2018-08-16 at 12:10
In this conversation, Emeritus Professor Peter Cala discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and scholarship,…
Name: Calvin O Qualset Interviewer: Susan Dworkin Date Interviewed: 2/15/2012 Date Appointed: 1967 Date Retired: 1994 Department: Agronomy and Range Science In this conversation Emeiritus…
Name: Charles E. Hess Interviewer: Robert K. Webster Date Interviewed: 10/23/1998 Date Appointed: 1975 Date Retired: 1994 Department: Environmental Horticulture In this conversation , Emeritus…
Name: Harry C. Kohl Interviewer: James A. Harding Date Interviewed: 1/24/1995 Date Appointed: 1953 Date Retired: 1986 Department: Environmental Hrticulture In this conversation , Emeritus…
The Stakes of Caribbean Freedom: The Domincan Revolution and the Caribbean
UC Strawberry Breeding Program: Addressing 21st Century Food Production Challenges through Genetic Innovation
"Malaria Eradication - the Most Significant Global Public Health Challenge of Our Time"
"Genetic Engineering for Virus Resistance in Plants: Using New Strategies or Adapting from the Past?"
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31
Major Issues in modern Biology Seminar Series
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31