04:42duration 4 minutes 42 seconds
Getting started with Mendeley
This is a brief review to identify what software…
06:20duration 6 minutes 20 seconds
How to Search a database or search engine
Learn the basics of the language of searching -…
06:17duration 6 minutes 17 seconds
How to create a dynamic learning object
This is an instructional video in tips to create…
30:35duration 30 minutes 35 seconds
DSC - Cassie Pinnell 02-26-2019 - Adaptive…
DSC - Cassie Pinnell 02-26-2019 - Adaptive Management Forum
58:08duration 58 minutes 8 seconds
Storer Lecture - Dr. May Berenbaum 5-21-14
Engaging Students in Webconferencing Sessions
Teaching Assistant Lisa Auchincloss discusses her…
01:04:20duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Storer Lecture - Andras Nagy 05-08-2007
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on…