Search for tag: "li-cor"

PLS100BL Live Session - Lab 6 - Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth

Experimental design and demo of the role of GA and ABA on plant growth using hormone-deficient mutants. The photos and phenotypic data of the mutants are coded for the students to figure things out.…

From  Barbara Blanco-Ulate 1 likes 83 plays 0  

PLS100BL Lab 6 Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth (GA & ABA) Experimental Demo 2

Practical explanation by Dr. Mar Rubio about how to set the Li-COR instrument to gather gas exchange data in leaves of the ABA deficient mutant (sit) and WT tomato plants with and without ABA sprays.

From  Barbara Blanco-Ulate 0 likes 29 plays 0