Search for tag: "technical services of civil engineering"

HYD151: Tackling New Frontiers in Science

This 53-minute presentation offers a case study in which a simple, naive idea led to fundamentally new advancements in science, aided by innovations in field methods.

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From  Gregory Pasternack 0 likes 49 plays 0  

HYD151: Groundwater Measurement, part 3

This 29-minute presentation covers concepts and field methods for groundwater flux at local and aquifer scales.

From  Gregory Pasternack 0 likes 81 plays 0  

HYD151: Groundwater Measurement, part 2

This 16-minute presentation introduces concepts about aquifers and how water levels can be automatically recorded using dataloggers with pressure transducers. It also explains how a pressure…

From  Gregory Pasternack 0 likes 45 plays 0  

HYD151: Groundwater Measurement, part 1

This 14-minute presentation introduces the concept of hydraulic head in wells and explains how to measure it. Errata: slides should say, "Chapter 17B" and "p. 17-#"

From  Gregory Pasternack 0 likes 109 plays 0  

SAS004 08: Human Stewardship of the Earth, Part 2

This topic is broken up into 3 videos to make it easier to view them in chunks over time. This second video is 27 minutes long and covers the topics of ecosystem restoration, including river…

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From  Gregory Pasternack 0 likes 45 plays 0