Search for tag: "plant physiology"

Jaclyn Adaskaveg Flash Talk at PLS Sypmosium

PhD student Jaclyn Adaskaveg gives flash talk at the 2021 Plant Sciences Symposium hosted at UC Davis. Jaclyn discusses her research and published work on how she used ripening mutants to better…

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From  Jaclyn Adaskaveg 0 likes 30 plays 0  

PLS100BL Lab 6: Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth (GA & ABA)

A quick recap about plant hormones and more details about the functions of gibberellins (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Mutants in the biosynthesis of GA and ABA are mentioned to prepare for Lab 6.

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From  Barbara Blanco-Ulate 0 likes 201 plays 0  

Bruce A. Bonner

In this conversation, Emeritus Professor Bruce Bonner discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and scholarship,…

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From  Emeriti 0 likes 79 plays 0  

Andre Lauchli

Name: Andre Lauchli Interviewer: D William Rains Date Interviewed: 3/19/2013 Date Appointed: 1979 Date Retired: 2006 Departments: Land, Air and Water Resources In this conversation , Emeritus…

From  Emeriti 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Bill Rains

Name: Bill Rains Interviewer: Bob Travis Date Interviewed: 3/22/2011 Date Appointed: 1966 Date Retired: 2005 Departments: Agronomy and Range Science, Kearney Foundation In this conversation…

From  Emeriti 0 likes 208 plays 0  

Ray Huffaker

Name: Ray C. Huffaker Interviewer: R. W. Breidenbach Date Interviewed: 4/6/2005 Date Appointed: 1960 Date Retired: 1994 Department: Agronomy& Range Science In this conversation Emeritus…

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From  Emeriti 0 likes 131 plays 0  

R. Breidenbach

Name: R. W. Breidenbach Interviewer: James M. Lyons Date Interviewed: 2/19/2002 Date Appointed: 1967 Date Retired: 1993 Department: Agronomy & Range Science In this conversation Emeritus…

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From  Emeriti 0 likes 47 plays 0