02:59duration 2 minutes 59 seconds
Car Seat Safety - Forward Facing Car Seats for…
Car Seat Safety - Forward Facing Car Seats for Toddlers & Preschoolers
Video for parents and caregivers on how to fit and install a forward facing car seat. Children at least two years of age should ride in a forward facing car seat with a harness until they outgrow the…
49:53duration 49 minutes 53 seconds
MAT 168 Winter 2024, Lecture 2 - modeling problems in optimization.
42:14duration 42 minutes 14 seconds
Math 168 Lecture 1, Given on Jan 8th 2024. This lecture gives an introduction to optimization problems and the field of optimization.
05:44duration 5 minutes 44 seconds
ECS 220 1c:4.2-1 graph coloring