About the presenter:
Dr. Laci Gerhart-Barley is an Assistant Professor of Teaching (LPSOE)
in the Department of Evolution and Ecology. She grew up in Kansas and
attended the University of Kansas for both her BS and PhD. Following the
completion of her PhD, Dr. Gerhart-Barley was a post-doctoral
researcher at Kansas State University, after which she taught at the
University of Hawai’i on both the West O’ahu and Mānoa campuses. She
joined the UCD faculty in 2017 and her pedagogical research focuses on
instructional technology, such as lecture capture and video-based
educational tools. She is also a co-Principal Investigator on a
Department of Education funded project to develop free textbooks for UC
Davis students through the open-source platform LibreTexts.
About this session:
This webinar shares results from a case study on developing
video-based homework assignments using videos generated by educational
programs such as iBiology and HHMI Biointeractive. Student feedback was
gathered for each assignment and qualitative analysis of student
comments allowed the instructor to pinpoint what aspects of video
content, structure, and connection to class were most engaging for
students. The webinar will include opportunities for participants to
share their experience with using video content generated by educational
companies and strategies for overcoming barriers and addressing
concerns to incorporating videos into courses. A focus of the webinar
will be discussing ‘best practices’ or ‘things to consider’ as faculty
develop video-based assignments for fall quarter courses.