Irene Joe gives the faculty address at the 2023 UC Davis School of Law commencement ceremony.
John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series:
Dr. Bonnie Ludka: "Wave-driven changes in beach sand levels"
About the Speaker:
Dr. Ludka is a coastal scientist…
Lecture 1 (Day 1) of "Groundwater, Watersheds, and Groundwater Sustainability Plans - An Online Short Course", May/June 2021
Senior Design Project: SD15 (RFuWmmTHz) Team Lead: Tyler Kelley Advisor: Prof. Pham
John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series: "Sea Level Rise Science to Adaptation: Beaches as Buffers" About the Speaker:
Melodie Grubbs, M.S., is a Science,…
Bodega Marine Laboratory John and Mary Louise Riley Seminar Series: Dr. Jessie Lacy: Influence of invasive submerged aquatic vegetation (E. densa) on currents and sediment transport in the…
This 29-minute presentation covers concepts and field methods for groundwater flux at local and aquifer scales.
This 51-minute presentation presents a long list of technologies for making holes in the Earth's surface to collect subsurface sedimentary samples as well as to create wells for groundwater…
This 23-minute presentation explains key conditions and processes in estuaries, and then shows a case study of field-based monitoring of estuarine health.
This 34-minute presentation explains some of the basic properties of sediment as well as how and where to collect sediment samples from terrestrial and aquatic surfaces.