Search for tag: "sleep (health)"

Nutrition Tips to Rest and Revive

Many aspects of our day can influence the quality of our sleep, including the food we eat. Eating well during our awake hours can affect how fast we fall asleep and how long we stay asleep. Join…

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Storer Lecture - Amita Sehgal 1-15-15

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Mini Medical School Week 6 - 3-11-17

Saturday, MARCH 11, 2017 Lecture 1: The Science of Sleep – Matthew Chow, M.D., Lecture 2: What’s New in Cardiology 2017 – Charles Whitcomb, M.D., Lecture 3: Vascular Health:…

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2012 Letters and Science Commencent Speaker Austin Sendek

Graduating senior Austin Sendek speaks at the College of Letters and Science commencement in June 2012.

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2012 Bio Sci Commencment Speaker Aaron Heuckroth

Graduating senior Aaron Heuckroth speaks about his experiences at UC Davis.

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